How to Enable Finder Path Bar on Mac

Finder is an essential tool on your Mac for browsing and managing your files and folders. One often overlooked but useful feature in Finder is the Path Bar.

The Path Bar provides a convenient way to see the full file path of the currently selected item, making navigation and file organization easier. In this blog post, we will show you how to enable the Path Bar and make the most of this handy feature.

How to Show Path Bar in Finder

  • Open Finder on your Mac. You can do this by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock, or by using the keyboard shortcut Command (⌘) + Space and typing Finder in Spotlight search.
  • With Finder open, click on the View menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  • In the View menu, click on Show Path Bar.
mac finder show path
  • The Path Bar will now appear at the bottom of the Finder window.
finder show path bar on mac

How to Use Path Bar in Finder

The Path Bar displays the file path of the currently selected item, starting from the root directory and going through each subfolder until it reaches the selected file or folder. Each element in the path is represented as an individual button.

  • To navigate to a parent folder, simply click on the corresponding button in the Path Bar. This will instantly take you to that folder in Finder.
  • If you want to open a new Finder tab at any level of the file path, right-click (or Control-click) on the desired button and select Open in New Tab from the context menu.
  • To quickly copy the file path, right-click (or Control-click) on any button in the Path Bar, and choose Copy ‘item name’ as Pathname from the context menu. This will copy the full file path to your clipboard, which you can then paste wherever needed.
copy file path in finder on mac

Enabling Finder’s Path Bar can significantly improve your navigation and file organization experience on your Mac.

With this feature, you can easily see the full file path of any item, jump to parent folders, and copy the file path with just a few clicks.

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