Get New Ideas for your Business using AI
Innovation is key to success in business. Generating new and creative ideas is critical for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and meet the changing needs of their customers.
With the advent of AI, businesses now have access to powerful tools to help them generate new ideas and stay ahead of the competition. AI can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and provide insights that would be difficult or impossible for humans to discover on their own.
In this blog post, let’s check how you can use AI to get new ideas and unlock their full potential. We use ideasAI tool for this.
The entrepreneur @levelsio is the founder of ideasAI. All of the ideas given in ideasAI are generated by OpenAI’s GPT-3. They are completely independent of human input.
The database of ideasAI initially contained approximately 100 startup ideas, and from that point onward, GPT-3 has been generating additional ideas. These ideas are then evaluated by lakhs of people who express their preference or disapproval.
This feedback is subsequently integrated into GPT-3, resulting in an ongoing improvement in the quality of the ideas generated over time.
How to get Business Ideas using IdeasAI
- Firstly, visit website.
- A random business idea will be shown for you.

- If you liked the idea then swipe left and if you think idea is bad then swipe right.
- Next idea will be shown for you. You can swipe for more ideas.
- You can also browse through the lists of top ideas such as This month’s top ideas.

- If you want to browse through business ideas of any specific category then you can select ideas from the bottom of the website.
Yes, this is not a perfect AI tool to generate only unique business ideas. But, it may be enough to give some sparks to your entrepreneurial mind. Sometimes, we don’t know when you are going to struck by a brilliant idea.