How to Customize Search Preferences of Ubuntu Activities

How to Customize Search Preferences of Ubuntu Activities

When searching in the activities launcher of Ubuntu you may want to see only some preferred results. By default, when you search in activities you get app results, file results, etc. For example, if you don’t want to see results from files then you can customize search preferences by following the steps given below. Go…

How to Check Ubuntu Version

How to Check Ubuntu Version

Checking Ubuntu version is pretty easy with the Ubuntu Terminal. Open your terminal and use the following command. It will give the version details. It looks like as given below. NAME=”Ubuntu”VERSION=”20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)”ID=ubuntuID_LIKE=debianPRETTY_NAME=”Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS”VERSION_ID=”20.04″HOME_URL=””SUPPORT_URL=””BUG_REPORT_URL=””PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=””VERSION_CODENAME=focalUBUNTU_CODENAME=focal From that you can clearly understands the version of Ubuntu. In the above example it is Ubuntu 20.04 version….

Shutter: A Handy Tool for Taking Screenshots and Editing on Ubuntu

Shutter: A Handy Tool for Taking Screenshots and Editing on Ubuntu

Screenshots are part of our life. There are various tools available to take screenshots. Most of the free tools just do the screenshot part and we may have to edit screenshots in other image editors. But shutter is different, it can take screenshots as well as edit them too. Shutter is a free feature-rich screenshot…

How to Screen Record and Save it as Gif on Ubuntu using Peek

How to Screen Record and Save it as Gif on Ubuntu using Peek

Peek is an animated GIF recorder which helps us to screen record and save it as GIF in Ubuntu. It’s a free and open source software with an easy to use interface. You can install the latest version of Peek from the Ubuntu PPA. Use your terminal to install Peek. When you open Peek you…