
How to Sync Obsidian with GitHub

Obsidian is widely known for its robust note-taking capabilities, but what about note backup and sharing? One excellent way to solve these concerns is by syncing your Obsidian vault with GitHub.

In this detailed guide, we’ll explore how to set up this sync, why it’s beneficial, and some common troubleshooting tips.

Why Sync Obsidian with GitHub?

Backup Security

GitHub offers a secure way to backup your notes. You can recover your notes if something goes wrong with your local files.


Using GitHub, you can collaborate with others on the same Obsidian vault without conflicts.

Version Control

GitHub provides a complete history of changes, so you can revert to an earlier version of a note at any time.

Set up GitHub Sync

Step 1: Create a GitHub Repository

  • Head over to GitHub and create a new repository.
  • Make sure the repository is private and initialize it with a README.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

  • Click the ‘Code’ button on your GitHub repository and copy the URL.
  • Open a terminal, navigate to your desired location, and clone the repository using the command git clone [URL].
obsidian github sync

Step 3: Move Obsidian Vault to Repository

  • Copy all the Obsidian vault files to the cloned GitHub repository folder.
  • Use git add . and git commit -m "Initial commit" to add and commit the files.

Step 4: Push to GitHub

Finally, push the committed changes to GitHub using git push.

Automate GitHub Sync in Obsidian

To keep your Obsidian vault and GitHub repository in sync, you can set up automatic synchronization:

  • Install Git Plugin: Open Obsidian and go to Settings > Community plugins > Browse. Search for the ‘Obsidian Git’ plugin and install it.
obsidian git plugin
  • Configure Plugin: Once installed, you’ll find a new ‘Git’ tab in the settings. Configure it with your GitHub repository information.
obsidian git sync tutorial

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Commit Conflicts

If you’re working with a team, make sure to pull the latest changes from GitHub before editing a note to avoid commit conflicts.

Sync Failures

Sometimes the sync might fail due to network issues. Usually, restarting Obsidian or your computer fixes the problem.

Large File Size

GitHub has a limit on file sizes (100MB). If you have large attachments, you might need to use Git LFS (Large File Storage).

Syncing your Obsidian vault with GitHub not only provides a secure backup but also enables effective collaboration. The process might seem a bit technical, but once set up, it’s mostly automated and worth the initial effort.

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